If your system takes 2″ filters, you will need a 2″ to 1.25″ thread adapter. Vignetting is not a problem if you place your target star away from the sensor edges.
Here are some suggested sources of adapters:
In the US:
- Agena AstroProducts: Blue Fireball thread adapter: link.
In the UK:
- 365Astronomy: Filter adapter: link.
In Germany:
- Teleskop Service/Express: link. These will also work with the SA-100 in a ZWO filter drawer.
- Baader Planetarium: use #1508030 Baader Double T-Filterholder 1¼” and #2458110 Baader Expanding Ring T-2f / M48m.
Note: if your system is designed to take un-mounted drop-in filters. and our calculator calls for the SA-200 (link), you can use our mounting kit (link) rather than a thread adapter.
Are you planning to use your Star Analyser with a filter wheel? You’ll likely need a Star Analyser 200. See link for more info.