Unleash your Inner Scientist™

Haven’t you always wanted to “do some science” with your telescope or standalone DSLR?

The science is easy and exciting. You can learn as you go with our tutorial videos.

With just a small telescope you can easily:

  • determine any star’s OBAFGKM star-type and temperature from its spectra curve.
  • identify the composition of a star or nebula from its emission and absorption lines.
  • detect the cosmological red-shift of a distant quasar!
  • measure the blue-shift of a supernova’s expanding shell as it races towards us at millions of miles/hour.

You can do the above and more using our Star Analyser grating ($195) and our RSpec software ($109). 

Sky and Telescope Interview

In the video below,  Dennis di Cicco, Senior Editor of Sky & Telescope Magazine, interviews RSpec’s author, Tom Field.

Hear how easy it is to get started and the wonderful results you can get with a DSLR or small backyard telescope. Dark skies and big telescopes aren’t necessary! You can probably get great spectra with your current setup, even from light-polluted suburban skies. Watch this video:

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In this interview, Dennis diCicco of Sky & Telescope and Tom
discuss how amateur astronomers can get started in spectroscopy.

The short video below explains a bit more about spectroscopy with a small telescope, how exciting it is, and how you can use your current imaging setup.

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Watch this video for the details on capturing spectra

Pardon our smile


We’re pleased that Sky & Telescope Magazine gave our RSpec software their “Hot Product” award. The award is given for product excellence and technical leadership. Our customers tell us the award was well-deserved because our ground-breaking software allows you to easily capture and process the spectra of stars.

Learn about the stars by capturing their spectra

Our RSpec software enables you to rapidly go from a static image (FITS, JPG, etc. or DSLR) or video file to a calibrated spectrum graph – in real-time. Now you can see a star or planet’s spectrum graph instantly, right at your telescope. 

Getting started in spectroscopy is easy. Use our affordable Star Analyser grating ($195) (link) on almost any camera or telescope. You’ll easily be able to see the spectra of distant stars. You can even use a DSLR camera — no telescope needed.

See for yourself what’s possible. Check out our sample results page that shows what amateurs just like you are doing with our tools: link.

No one likes the steep learning curve of complicated software.  Astronomy is supposed to be fun! With RSpec, you can capture and process spectra in a few moments.

Periodic Table of Spectra Poster

Everyone loves our Periodic Table of Spectra poster. For more info see this link.